Your Go-To Guide for Awesome Corporate Video Production That Tell Your Brand’s Story!

Picture of Stephen Conley
Stephen Conley
Stephen is Gisteo's Founder & Creative Director. After a long career in advertising, Stephen launched Gisteo in 2011 and the rest is history. He has an MBA in International Business from Thunderbird and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he did indeed inhale (in moderation).

Corporate video production is a powerful tool that helps businesses effectively communicate their brand story. At Gisteo, we create engaging corporate videos. Our videos help humanize your brand and show your values. They also connect with your target audience.

What is Corporate Video Production?

Corporate video production is all about bringing your company’s story to life in a way that really connects with people. It’s not just about business talk—it’s about showing the heart of your brand, the mission, values, and, most importantly, the awesome people behind it.

These videos give your audience a chance to see what makes your company special, adding that human touch that turns viewers into fans.

Whether you’re sharing your journey, introducing your team, or showcasing your unique vibe, corporate videos are the perfect way to engage and inspire!

Features of a High-Quality Corporate Video

A successful corporate video:

  • Conveys the brand’s passion and personality.
  • Features authentic voices from diverse perspectives.
  • Has a conversational and approachable tone.
  • Appears genuine, offering a glimpse into the company’s culture.

Why Use Corporate Video for Brand Storytelling?

Increase Brand Awareness: Corporate videos are like the ultimate storytelling tool for your brand! They’re perfect for laying down a strong narrative that shows off your company’s story, values, and unique culture. Want to boost your brand awareness?

These videos give potential clients a backstage pass to see what makes your business different from the rest. Whether it’s sharing your journey or highlighting what you stand for, corporate videos help you stand out and make a lasting impression that sticks with your audience.

It’s all about showing the world why your brand shines!

Versatile Application Across Business Functions: Corporate videos can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • Marketing campaigns
  • Recruiting efforts
  • Employee training
  • Internal communications

This flexibility ensures that the right message reaches the right audience in an engaging way.

Types of Corporate Video Production

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are a total game-changer when it comes to building trust with your audience. There’s nothing like hearing real stories from actual clients or employees to make your brand feel more relatable and genuine.

These videos let people share their experiences—whether it’s talking about how your company helped them, celebrating success stories, or highlighting what makes your business stand out. P

lus, they’re a great way to promote your products or services while boosting your credibility. It’s like getting a glowing review, but with way more personality and impact!

Animated Corporate Videos

Animated corporate videos are like your secret weapon for breaking down those complicated ideas into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces.

They’re perfect for explaining products, showing off your awesome company culture, or communicating your brand’s values—all while keeping things fun and visually engaging. Instead of just talking about your message, you can bring it to life with eye-catching animation that grabs attention and makes everything crystal clear.

Whether it’s a product demo or a culture showcase, these videos do the job with style!

Live Action Corporate Videos

Live-action corporate videos are all about using real footage to tell real stories. Whether you’re showing off your products in action or giving a behind-the-scenes look at your business, these videos make everything feel more personal and relatable.

They bring your company’s offerings to life in a way that helps viewers really connect with your brand on a deeper level. It’s like taking your audience on a tour of what you do, letting them experience the authentic side of your business, and making your brand feel more human and approachable.

Corporate Communications Videos

When it comes to internal use, corporate communication videos are the perfect way to deliver those important company policies and procedures without boring your team to death!

They’re a super professional, yet engaging way to onboard new hires, share important updates, or train your staff. Forget about dry memos—these videos make sure everyone’s on the same page while keeping things interesting.

Whether you’re explaining the ropes to newbies or rolling out new guidelines, these videos get the message across in a way that sticks.

Why Hire a Professional Corporate Video Production Company?

Get a Broader Reach + Higher Engagement!

Let’s face it—video content beats plain old text or images any day! It’s way more engaging and keeps people hooked. That’s where corporate video production pros like Gisteo come in.

We help you create visually stunning content that not only grabs attention but really resonates with your audience. Whether it’s for social media, your website, or even email marketing, video is the key to reaching a bigger crowd and making sure your message gets heard (and remembered!).

So why settle for boring when you can go bold with video? Let’s get your brand in front of more eyes, in the most exciting way possible!

Quickly Boost your SEO + CRO!

Videos are a game-changer when it comes to boosting both user experience and your SEO rankings! Search engines prioritize video content, which means having videos on your site makes it easier for your brand to land those top search spots.

But that’s just the start—well-crafted videos don’t only look good, they also help boost your conversion rates.

By keeping viewers engaged and guiding them through the sales funnel with compelling calls to action, videos turn casual visitors into loyal customers. If you want to rank higher and drive more sales, video is the way to go!

The Corporate Video Production Process

1. Concept Development + Script Writing

At Gisteo, we’re all about teamwork! We work hand-in-hand with your crew to cook up creative concepts that totally vibe with your brand’s mission and values.

From those first brainstorming sessions where ideas are flying around to nailing down the perfect script, we’ve got you covered. Our goal? To make sure your video delivers the right message in a way that speaks to your audience and showcases what makes your brand awesome.

It’s all about collaboration and bringing your vision to life!

2. Storyboarding + Pre-Production

Once we’ve locked in the concept, it’s time to bring it to life with some killer storyboards! These detailed sketches lay out the whole structure of the video, making sure everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

It’s like a visual game plan that keeps the production process on track. Plus, our pre-production services handle all the behind-the-scenes prep, so by the time filming starts, everything’s ready to roll.

No surprises, just a seamless ride to creating an awesome video!

3. Production + Post-Production

Armed with the latest, cutting-edge gear, we capture top-notch footage for your corporate video that looks seriously sharp. But the magic doesn’t stop there—after the shoot, our post-production wizards step in to edit everything together, adding those finishing touches that take your video from good to wow.

By the time we’re done, you’ve got a polished, professional video that’s ready to impress and share with the world. Lights, camera, action—and a whole lot of awesome!

Choosing the Right Corporate Video Production Company

What to Look for in a Production Agency

When picking a corporate video production company, you want to look at more than just flashy promises. Check out their experience, take a deep dive into their portfolio, and see what kind of services they bring to the table.

At Gisteo, we’ve got you covered from start to finish! We don’t just deliver a video—we handle everything from brainstorming that big idea to delivering the final, polished product.

With us, you’re getting the full package and a team that’s dedicated to making your vision a reality. Let’s create something awesome together!

Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring the Pros

Ensure you’re making the right choice by asking about:

  • Their approach to storytelling and scriptwriting.
  • Their pre-production, production, and post-production processes.
  • The timeline and budget for your project.

Budgeting for Corporate Video Production

Factors Influencing the Cost of Production

The cost of corporate video production can be all over the map, and it really depends on how complex your project is. Things like scriptwriting, filming, animation, editing, and even how you plan to share the video all factor into the final price tag.

Want something simple and snappy, or a full-blown production with all the bells and whistles?

Each piece adds up, but don’t worry—whatever your budget, there’s always a way to create something awesome that hits your goals! Let’s figure out the perfect plan for you!

Budget Allocation for Corporate Video Production

When planning your budget, it’s good to keep in mind that every stage of production brings its own costs. From the brainstorming and concept development to all the prep work in pre-production, then onto the actual filming, editing, and final touches in post-production, each step adds a little something to the bill.

And don’t forget about distribution—that’s how your awesome video gets seen! So, make sure you’ve got the full journey covered, and we’ll help you make the most of your budget at every turn. Let’s get that video out there and looking fantastic!

Corporate Video Production: Trends + Best Practices

Corporate video production is stepping up its game, thanks to cool new trends like virtual reality, augmented reality, and AI-powered tools. These cutting-edge technologies take your videos from standard to wow, making them way more engaging and interactive.

Imagine giving your audience a fully immersive experience or using AI to personalize content on the fly! It’s all about taking things beyond the usual and letting businesses create video experiences that really pull people in.

The future of video is here, and it’s looking pretty epic!

Best Practices for Successful Videos

To create a successful corporate video:

  • Define your target audience.
  • Use storytelling techniques to engage viewers.
  • Leverage high-quality equipment and editing tools.
  • Optimize your video content for search engines and social media.

Corporate Video Production for Brand Storytelling

Corporate video production is a total game-changer for brand storytelling. It’s not just about throwing some footage together—it’s about using creativity to share your message in a way that really grabs attention.

When you team up with Gisteo, you’re tapping into the power of video to boost engagement, level up your SEO, and give your brand identity some serious muscle.

Whether you’re telling your story, showing off your products, or building your brand’s personality, video is the way to go—and we’re here to help you make it unforgettable!

So, if you’re serious about making an impact and going pro with your corporate videos book a free consultation with the Gisteo team today!

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