Get a StoryBrand BrandScript Messaging Makeover in one week (or less!)

Clarify your offering and reframe your messaging. We use StoryBrand’s proven framework to help you better articulate what you do and grow your business (awkward dance optional).



48 hour messaging makeover

Eliminate Confusion

By using the right words so they quickly get the gist

Reframe Your Messaging

To make your customer the hero and you the guide

Get Results Fast

With our one week, comprehensive process

It's hard to craft messaging that actually works...

  • You can't seem to find the right words to express what you do in a clear, concise way

  • You’re worried that your messaging is too similar to that of your competitors

  • You hate jargon but, darn it, you’re using jargon and gibberish way too much

  • You struggle to tell your story in a way that drives conversions and sales

  • Your website firm is more focused on making your site pretty than crafting copy

  • A copywriting agency wants to charge you thousands and their methodology is vague

"In every line of copy we write, we’re either serving the customer’s story or descending into confusion; we’re either making music or making noise."

Your brand deserves a simple messaging framework that brings clarity to your marketing and drives results

That’s where we come in. We’ve built our whole company on helping people quickly get the gist about what you do, sell or offer. 

Since 2011, we’ve been trusted by companies large and small to produce thousands of our complexity-busting explainer videos

Now, we’re bringing this storytelling expertise to businesses looking to clarify their messaging with effective copywriting. We’re fans of the proven StoryBrand framework and believe it can help any business better clarify their messaging. 

How it works

Schedule a free meeting

We’ll go over the process and give you a preview of the framework we’ll be using to kick-start everything.

We’ll do two workshops

The Session 1 workshop (60-90 minutes) will cover the StoryBrand messaging framework. During Session 2, we'll discuss your wireframe.

Ignite your business

By the end of the week, we’ll send you final copies of your BrandScript and the wireframe draft so you can implement them!

Overview of the StoryBrand BrandScript framework

In a nutshell, here are the key elements of the StoryBrand framework that we’ll be covering during our process (more information here):

  • A character steps into the story (that’s your customer).
  • They have a problem (they need help solving it).
  • They meet a guide (that’s you!).
  • Their guide gives them a plan (how to solve their problem).
  • That plan calls them to action (to buy from you to solve their problem).

When completing the framework and developing your wireframe, we will address these key questions


Transparent pricing/FAQs

The StoryBrand BrandScript Messaging Makeover

$ 749 One-time fee
  • Two 60-90 minute calls to work through our framework and wireframe
  • Delivery of final BrandScript framework and homepage wireframe draft.
  • Extra deliverables included at no additonal charge: your "one-liner" quick elevator pitch to use in marketing along with an SEO-enhancing explanatory paragraph, a longer-form elevator pitch
  • Follow-up support upon request

Frequently asked Questions about this service

This sounds great. Can I get more information about each of the deliverables?

Yes, please click here for a more detailed breakdown of each deliverable. 

I don’t know if I can fit this all into my schedule in a week. Can we spread it out a bit more?

Of course. If you need extra time to schedule our meetings, no problem. The idea is to quickly get you a new messaging framework that you can implement immediately, but no worries if you need to spread it out over more than a week.

Should I just buy the StoryBrand book and go it alone?

You can and should buy the best-selling book by Donald Miller. It’s an excellent resource for any marketer, however, this process is difficult to do for the first-time or in isolation. As explainer video pioneers, we’ve been helping people clarify their messaging since 2011. Founder Stephen Conley will serve as your trusted guide through this process and he has over 20 years of strategic and creative marketing experience not only with Gisteo but during his career working at some of the world’s top advertising agencies. It’s well worth the modest investment! 

I’m interested in a Gisteo explainer video too. Should I do this first or the video?

Either approach could work but this process can serve as an excellent precursor to your explainer video production. We’ll already have done a deep dive into your brand, your hero (customer) and how you’re helping guide them to resolve their painpoints…so the explainer video project would start with a strong foundation after doing this process!

I’ve already got a Gisteo explainer video? Should I still consider this?

Absolutely!  Our explainer videos are amazing tools but they still shouldn’t be a substitute for a well-crafted homepage copy or overall brand messaging. Both are important!

Are you a StoryBrand Certified Guide?

No, there is a StoryBrand guide certification process but we haven’t gone through it as of yet. We’ve bought the book and have done the Business Made Simple course which includes a comprehensive training module on the methodology.  We’re fans of the messaging framework and think it can help a lot of businesses to clarify their offering, which has been Gisteo’s overall approach and mission since 2011.  This particular workshop is dedicated to helping marketers get some “quick wins” with clearer messaging/copywriting in addition to our explainer video production services.  Note: we have a simple Google Docs intake form used to develop our materials. We do not use any of StoryBrand’s official templates during this process. 

Can you help us with other marketing materials such as infographics, images, name creation, social media ads etc.?

Yes, that’s something we can discuss depending on the exact scope and nature of the request. We’ll be honest and transparent as to if it’s something we can handle. If not, we may be able to recommend other resources.

Schedule your free discovery session

More on the StoryBrand BrandScript Messaging Makeover deliverables

Deliverable 1: StoryBrand BrandScript

The 7-part BrandScript framework document that you can use throughout your company: on your website, sales pieces, proposals, printed collateral and more.  Your StoryBrand Bradscript can also be used when speaking with prospects, clients, audiences and within video scripts.

Deliverable 2: Homepage or landing page wireframe

We’ll present a wireframe draft for your homepage, implementing the fundamentals of the StoryBrand framework. You can then pass this wireframe to your designer to incorporate this new messaging strategy on your homepage or landing page. 

Deliverable 3: The “one-liner” quick pitch

We’ll craft a couple of options for your “one-liner.”  Your one-liner is a quick (max 2 sentences) elevator pitch that can be used on your website, social media profiles, as part of your email signature, on the back of your business cards, or posted in your office so it can be used by your team as opening statement when discussing your company with prospects.

Deliverable 4: Explanatory paragraph/longer-form elevator pitch

The elevator pitch is a longer form, more robust version of your one-liner. The text can be used on your website to enhance SEO and provide more depth about what you do to prospects (usually accompanied by “read more” to limit the amount of copy displayed at once).  This text also provides the perfect foundation for an explainer video script.    




What StoryBrand Teaches Us About Marketing: Apply These 10 Essential Steps

During the StoryBrand BrandScript Messaging Makeover, we will help you create more effective marketing strategies that clearly communicate your value and, most importantly, connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

Here are the 10 core principles of the StoryBrand method & BrandScript framework that can make a huge difference in your marketing efforts:

  1. The Customer is the Hero, Not Your Brand
    Your customer, not your brand, should be the hero of the story. Too often, companies make themselves the focus, but successful marketing centers on your customer’s journey.

  2. The Customer Has a Problem
    Every good story starts with a problem the hero must solve. Your customer is no different. Identify their challenges, and position your product or service as the solution.

  3. You Are the Guide, Not the Hero
    While the customer is the hero, your brand is the guide. You offer the wisdom, tools, and products to help them succeed. Think of your brand as Yoda to your customer’s Luke Skywalker.

  4. Give Them a Plan
    Your customers need a clear path forward. Provide them with a step-by-step plan that outlines exactly how your product or service can help them overcome their challenges.

  5. Call Them to Action
    Don’t assume your audience knows what to do next. Give them a clear call to action. Whether it’s signing up for a demo, making a purchase, or scheduling a consultation, make the next steps obvious.

  6. Help Them Avoid Failure
    Highlight the stakes. Show your customers what they stand to lose if they don’t take action. The potential for failure is a critical motivator that moves them towards a decision.

  7. Offer a Vision of Success
    People are driven by positive outcomes. Paint a vivid picture of how their life will improve after using your product or service. Show them how you can help them win.

  8. Simplify Your Message
    Don’t overcomplicate your messaging with jargon or too many details. Focus on communicating your value in simple, clear language.

  9. Engage Emotionally
    Customers make decisions based on emotions, not just logic. Appeal to their emotions by crafting a narrative that resonates with their desires and fears.

  10. Tell a Story
    People are hardwired to connect with stories. Using a narrative framework in your marketing makes it easier for customers to understand and relate to your brand.

StoryBrand BrandScript Messaging Makeover
StoryBrand framework