Product Videos 101: What Makes Them Great?

Picture of Stephen Conley
Stephen Conley
Stephen is Gisteo's Founder & Creative Director. After a long career in advertising, Stephen launched Gisteo in 2011 and the rest is history. He has an MBA in International Business from Thunderbird and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he did indeed inhale (in moderation).

Product Videos: What’s the Deal?

In today’s fast-scrolling digital world, you’ve got to grab attention fast. Enter product videos!

These bad boys don’t just show off your products! They hook viewers in, boost your conversions and give your brand some serious online visibility.

In this guide, we’ll dive into what makes product videos so awesome they truly stand out from the crowd.

Product Video Production

Product video production involves creating videos that highlight the features, benefits and use cases of a product. These videos can come in various forms, including product demos, unboxings, testimonials, and explainer videos.

The goal is to provide potential customers with a clear and engaging presentation. What your product can do for them? How will your product make their life easier?  Why’s your product is the right choice for them? Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

Product Videos: Why They Matter

Animated product videos are your secret weapon for grabbing attention. They’ll show off your products in a fun, visually awesome way.

Product videos take complicated ideas and break them down. Your customers will easily get why your product is the one they need.

Plus, these videos are way more engaging than boring old images or text. Videos are perfect for sharing across your website, social media and email blasts.

And hey, they give your brand a cool, modern vibe that helps you stand out and look more credible in a crowded market!​

10 Reasons You Should Be Making Animated Product Videos

1. Grab Attention Fast: Animated videos are eye-catching and way more engaging than plain text or static images, making them perfect for stopping the scroll.

2. Simplify Complex Ideas: Got a product that’s tough to explain? Animation breaks it down, making even the most complicated concepts easy to understand.

3. Boost Your Brand’s Personality: With animation, you can inject a little fun and creativity into your brand, helping you stand out and show off your unique vibe.

4. Increase Conversion Rates: People are more likely to buy when they clearly understand what a product does—and animated videos do that job like a pro.

5. Make Your Content Shareable: Animated product videos are the kind of content people love sharing, giving you more exposure across social media and beyond.

6. Keep Your Audience Hooked: Animations are dynamic and fun to watch, keeping viewers interested from start to finish—so they actually absorb your message.

7. Perfect for Any Platform: Whether it’s your website, Instagram, or an email campaign, animated videos fit seamlessly and make your marketing pop.

8. Look Professional + Polished: A well-crafted animated video instantly gives your brand a polished, professional look that builds trust with your audience.

9. Show Off Your Product’s Best Features: With animation, you can highlight all the must-see features of your product in a way that’s visually appealing and easy to digest.

10. Stay Memorable: Animated videos leave a lasting impression, making sure your product stays top-of-mind long after the video ends.

What Makes a Great Product Video?

A killer animated product video is all about mixing creativity, clarity and storytelling – you want to show off what your product brings to the table.

You want a script that’s short, sweet, and highlights the product’s main features and benefits without bombarding people with info.

The visuals? They’ve have to be eye-catching and work hand-in-hand with the message, keeping people glued to the screen. Slick graphics and smooth transitions give it that pro-level polished finish.

And don’t forget the storytelling! When you connect with your audience through a relatable narrative, your product feels more real to them.

Wrap it all up with a solid call-to-action, so viewers know exactly what to do next—whether that’s hitting “buy,” signing up, or diving deeper into your products.

Product Videos: a Major Player in Your Marketing Game

Incorporating product videos into your marketing strategy is a smart move that can seriously boost your brand’s reach and engagement.

Start by sharing these videos across your website, social media and email channels to grab attention. They’ll keep potential customers hooked.

You can even use product videos in paid ads to increase clicks and conversions.

The key is to ensure your videos align with your overall marketing goals—whether it’s driving sales, increasing brand awareness, or educating your audience.

With the right distribution and a strategic approach, product videos can become one of your most powerful tools for turning viewers into loyal customers!

Optimize Your Product Videos for SEO

Want to get your product videos noticed? Here’s how to optimize them for SEO!

First, nail your video title and description—use keywords people are actually searching for, but keep it natural and not too stuffy. Add some tags and categories to give search engines a little extra help in figuring out what your video is all about.

Don’t forget to include transcripts or captions; they not only make your video more accessible but also give search engines more text to work with.

Embed your video on its own landing page with some juicy, relevant copy around it to boost rankings. Oh, and make sure the file size is small enough to load fast—no one’s waiting around for a slow video!

5 Reasons to Use A Professional Animated Product Video Service

1. Creative Expertise: Experienced animators bring fresh, creative ideas to the table. We produce original and engaging content that stands out in a crowded market to capture the viewer’s attention.

2. Tailored Messaging: A professional team takes the time to understand your brand and product. This means we can create a video that communicates your message in a way that resonates with your audience, making the content impactful.

3. Engaging Storytelling: Professionals know how to create a narrative that not only showcases your product but also captivates your audience. This ensures the video is memorable and keeps viewers engaged from start to finish.

4. Consistency with Brand Identity: Working with a professional service ensures that your animated video aligns with your brand’s tone, style and values. This creates a seamless, cohesive look and feel across all your brand marketing channels.

5. Improved Conversion Rates: A well-executed animated product video is strategically designed to drive conversions. We use tried and tested techniques, proven to guide viewers towards taking action, whether it’s making a purchase or engaging with your brand further.

Product Videos: A Game-Changer for Your Brand

Animated product videos are a powerhouse for grabbing attention, simplifying complex ideas, and showing off your products in a way that’s fun and engaging.

From boosting brand visibility to driving conversions, they’re a must-have tool in today’s digital world. Whether you’re creating demos, unboxings, or explainer videos, the key is to keep it creative, clear, and relatable.

Don’t forget to end with a strong call-to-action to guide viewers towards the next step!

And if you want to level up your video game, professional services like Gisteo can help you create standout content that captures your brand’s unique vibe and hooks your audience.

Ready to get started? Get your free consultation booked now and let your product videos do the talking with Gisteo!

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